Saturday, 7 July 2018

Stock bought July 2018: ETF Greece

Logo of Global X 2018

As has been previously mentioned I am not able to make the full investment due to all the monthly costs that have arrived during June/July and fingers crossed that I will be able to do it next month! The ETF Greece have gone down a little bit further but then again so has pretty much everything in Europe.

I increased my position with 170 more parts at a total cost of 1,347.70 € which includes a fee of 12.91 €. I now have a total of 450 parts at a total cost of 3,662 €. I now own ETFs to a total cost of 29,883 €.

To take a look at my current Stock Portfolio then please click on the link. The portfolio will however not be fully updated until the end of the month.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Summary of June 2018

Summary of June 2018

I am currently sitting in a country that I never again wanted to live in, in a large house in the middle of nowhere and I had to leave my company in Berlin, my baby, all because I was kind towards my wife and she could no longer stand being in a large city. She is now working in one of the major cities in Germany, apparently that is now ok again, and she wants to have a divorce. Oh, she is at least close to her family and friends while I have neither here in the UK. No prenup was made so shame on me.

Work wise everything is fine. My boss have now started to prepare me for taking over his role in the company. Currently that extra work load is wearing me down slightly but I can still manage. My teams have three projects that are crucial to the company and two are progressing above expectations as well as ahead of schedule.

This was the final month of heavy costs so after this one I expect to be able to save around 2k GBP again. Am I then saving for my "wife" to get more money out of me from the divorce?

For the previous summary please visit Summary of May 2018 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

Invested vs current during June 2018

The total invested value is now up at: 119,081 €. During the month I decided to buy some ETF Greece as well as DBAG from dividends. Unfortunately the ETF Greece investments was only a half investment.

Current investments in June 2018

The value of the portfolio is today: 123,470 € and spread out I now have around 2,303 € in cash on the different accounts. I have a realised gain of 2,857 € and the unrealised gain is now at: 4,389 € (4%) which is not good at all.

Me vs DAX during June 2018

DAX is now up at 12,349 point which means it has only decreased by -3.0% while my own portfolio managed to decrease with only -2.3% in the same period.

Conclusion: I did mildly better than DAX this month. As we all know that is nothing to jump up and done for out of joy because, simply put, so many of my investments are poor performers. The world is still not at peace so there is see no light in the end of the tunnel and if anything things are getting harder.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Dividends from Intel, TJX, IBM and BP: June 2018

Logo of Intel 2018

For my 135 shares in Intel I received a total of 34.50 € in dividends. From this 5.18 € was removed in taxes and I was left with 29.32 € as cash on my broker account.

To find out more about Intel then please click here.

Logo of TJX 2018
For my 32 shares in TJX I received in total 10.52 € in dividends. The taxman took 1.58€ from this and I was left with 8.94 € as cash.

To find out more about TJX then please click here.

Logo of IBM 2018

For my 25 shares in IBM I received 33.22 € in dividends. From this 4.99 € was removed in taxes to support the US economy and I was left with 28.23 € as cash on my broker account.

To find out more concerning IBM then please here.

Logo of BP 2018

For my 1,220 shares in BP I received a total of 103.49 € in dividends that were directly paid into my broker account as cash.

To find out more about BP then please click here.

To see my total dividend flow then please visit the Stock Dividends page that has now been updated.