Wednesday 5 August 2015

Stocks of Interest: August 2015

stocks, August, 2015, interesting

Last month I made one investment that I hope will turn out to be clever and a second one that were one of those Fredrik-contrarian-turnaround-within-ten-years-fingers-crossed moves. So to summarize that second one... maybe not so clever. The first one was that I decided to increase my position in MüRe which I did after the CEO had talked down the price and then gone shopping shares privately
and Gerry Weber I bought because on paper they are not doing bad, and the next generation is taking over the steering so hopefully nice improvements will occur and if not then it will be a bad investment. My biggest problem with the Gerry Weber investment is that there are hardly customers in the stores and that is never a good sign but the new CEO keeps buying shares month after month after month.

For the previous report please visit Stocks of Interest: July 2015.

List, Stocks, Interest, August, 2015

The top then on the list are now: Balaton, Pharmstandard, TransContainer, Sollers, Tag Immobilien, ARLP, Encana, Splendid Medien, Novatek and Gilead Sciences. The majority without being a surprise is still the Russian companies but there one need to think more than twice before buying.

DAX, companies, August, 2015

Hmmm... I must say the German car producers are once again starting to look very attractive! Volkswagen at below 190 € and BMW below 90 € those two would be my top favourites on DAX at the moment.

Current, holdings, August, 2015

From my current holdings I still find MüRe of interest as well as RWE that have dropped even further from my time of investment not that long ago.

Conclusion: By the look of it I would not be a stranger to take in a new holding in my portfolio. The cars are looking very juicy and I need to think about that for a while. Will I manage to overcome my fear for car producers this month?

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