Tuesday 5 May 2015

Summary of April 2015

Summary, April, 2015, me vs DAX

No rest and definitely no surrender! I made also the second exam and even got a higher grade on that one. The two new courses are well under way and I have already finished and passed the two hand in assignments that must be done or else one is kicked out. My study routine is now so high that I am well ahead in all the books. I make one test before going for the bonusquiz I used to make at least ten of them and in the beginning I often did not pass the quiz and now I pass all of them... it all boils down to routine and focus.

I had almost caught up with the reports and analysis but now all the Q1 reports are out so I am once again behind schedule. I will need to find a solution and most likely it will lead to two articles per day to get the quarter reports out of the way.

My company is doing pretty ok at the moment. We have several interesting projects in the pipeline and I hope that I will manage to push one of them out to be a product that people actually will buy not only for the purpose of research. After loosing two out of three products and patents back in summer / autumn 2013 we have now finally managed to push out another patent for a completely new product. The new thing is now also that we will file the patent ourselves which gives a cost saving of around 10k € in comparison to using a patent attorney and 10k € is a heap of money to pay for in my opinion nothing. I hope to be able to file yet another patent now during May / June for another new product that we will bring into the pipeline.

Oh, I also bought some stocks in the company but I have decided not to account that with my own holdings to keep a clear separation of work and private.

Enough yada-yada-ho.

For the previous report please click on Summary of March 2015.

Invested, value, April, 2015

No really dramatic changed happened during April. I brought in yet another cheap DAX company and this time it was RWE (analysis of RWE 2014). The total investment is now up at: 59,923 €.

current, value, April, 2015

The month of April 2015 goes down as a bad month! The stock portfolio is now up at: 64,343 € and the unrealised profit is at 4,420 € which means that my profit decreased and only via pushing in more money did I remain floating.

Me, versus, DAX, April, 2015

The DAX bull could apparently be stopped and DAX is now at 11,620 points which is a decrease of -3.6% compared to last month. My own portfolio also decreased but only with -2.5% which means that April, even though it was bad, became a win for me in my battle versus DAX!

Conclusion: After being up sniffing on around 70k € in stock portfolio value I dropped back down again very abruptly. My target remain and as I have said before what you do not manage to do with clever investment you simply have to cover by making more savings. I am glad that I could for the fourth month in a row push in around 2k € into stocks but I would prefer to make better investments!

For the full portfolio report please go to the Stock Portfolio page and if you have suggestions for stocks that I should analyse then please go to the Analysis Requests page.


Anonymous said...

I was down 4% during april...

Fredrik von Oberhausen said...

I am sorry to hear that.

Any of your companies that have dropped more significantly so that it is worth to push some more cash into it?