A dividend payment was received from Nike in the size of 8.71 € from which 1.31 € was taken in taxes and I received 7.40 € paid into my broker account.
The Germany energy company RWE paid out a dividend of 264 € and from this was taken 69.63 € in taxes and I was left with 194.37 € on my broker account.
The chemical company BASF arrived with a dividend payment of 462 € of which Mr. Taxman (or woman) took 121.85 € and left on my broker account as cash was 340.15 €.
My trusted dividend payer BP sent over 73.41 € of dividends and all of it was paid out in cash on my broker account.
K+S provided me with 9.60 € of which 2.53 € went to taxes and I received 7.07 € as cash on my account.
IBM sent some dollars to me that converted became 35.69 € of which 5.35 € went to taxes and 30.34 € was added to my cash account.
Tradition was followed and Intel paid out 39.93 € with 5.99 € kept in taxes and 33.94 € was added to my broker account.
And finally my second German energy company E.On arrived with 184.00 €, of which 48.53 € was kept in taxes and I received 135.47 € in cash.
To see a bit more in details please visit my Stock Dividends page.