Summary of February 2021 |
No dividends were paid out to me during the month of February 2021 so unfortunately I have nothing of interest to report on that. BASF had a good year 2020 and I was informed that they are planning to pay out 3.30 € per share + bonus to their employees. I do have friends working for BASF so good on them!
I was expecting increased prices in the supermarkets and potentially some lacking products after Brexit but to be honest I have not noticed that much of it. If my weekly shopping bill ends up at £30 or £33 I'm afraid I couldn't care less and therefore I also do not notice it. In January I did however notice that the lifetime of the fruit and vegetables that I bought was much shorter in my fridge than previously. This does no longer seem to be the case and things are back to normal.
The value of the £ has started to increase and gone from ~1.11 to 1.15 to € and since over half my stock portfolio is these days in £ I have had a more than normal boost from this. The currency wind can however change quickly in either direction so it is a risk that I have in my portfolio.
The vaccinations here in the UK are progressing swiftly. We now have several employees that have received the first shot and they are really pushing it. So well done NHS and UK government on that! Due to my age and no serious (known) health issues I am further down the line and can probably not expect to receive something until earliest in May.
Start to be a bit of a complication in the company. The home office people have kind of gotten into a state of business as usual, because that is how it is for them. They wake up, go to their home office desk and start working with teleconferences etc. It is not business as usual! Lockdown is currently in place and there are significant delays in deliveries, getting supplies etc. and Brexit have not helped us either when it comes to this to be fair.
For the previous summary please visit Summary of January 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.
Conclusion: DAX this very well this month after its dip in January. I was helped by currency movements but not enough for beating DAX. Now I need to focus on what to by next for the cash that has been added to the broker account.