Monday 6 December 2021

Stocks bought in December 2021


Due to a tax return and change of tax group I was able to make a more substantial investment than usual during December. I therefore decided to buy two holdings, one old and one new one.

The first one was that I increased my holding in Rio Tinto by buying 45 more shares at a price of 55.74 € with a total cost, including stamp duty, of 2,520.49 €.

I also decided to buy more ETF and I found Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe had a reasonable yearly price tag of 0.1% fee. I therefore bought 65 parts of this ETF at a cost of 36.16 € per part with the total cost of 2,350.69 €

I made one more investment <1k € but the company is so small that I do not want to bring it up and I will not include it in any updates. The two mentioned above will however be included in the next update.

During the weekend I managed to go to Berlin for Christmas market and to see my friends there. It was really nice but life for a non vaccinated person will not be very joyful in the future. Every restaurant, stores, cinemas etc all demanded to see proof of vaccination and ID card before you are allowed to enter. So people have two options: Either I get the vaccination or my life will be very much centred around me sitting at home and never doing anything fun. Germany takes a similar approach to winter tyres. There is no law about it but if you have an accident in winter without having winter tyres on then the insurance companies are not paying out... so you are pretty much forced to use winter tyres even though there is no law about it. It's a bit passive/aggressive.

I'm currently waiting for the PCR result before I'm allowed to get back into the office again so fingers crossed it comes back negative and I can be in the office tomorrow.

Monday 29 November 2021

Summary of November 2021


Summary of November 2021

November turned out to be a month of worry. I and many with me booked trips and travelled to foreign destinations following all the latest rules and regulations and at the same time there are new variations spreading in the world which means travelling will soon get more restricted again - vaccinated or not. Many are starting to get concerned about Christmas now also and I hope that I will receive a booster jab shortly before going back to Sweden over the Christmas holidays. Future will tell.

I was very fortunate to be able to go to my friends in France this month and I had a wonderful time with them over an extended weekend. In the upcoming weekend I will go to see my friends in Germany and I hope that the travelling + return will be smooth. Will I need PCR or will the lateral flow be sufficient? Nobody knows as of yet.

Work is going well and the projects are progressing fairly smoothly which is always a relief. I've had all the end of year reviews with my employees and most of them are pleased with the year. I doubt there will be much to spend on bonuses and salary increases this year and I certainly hope that I do not receive one!

I filed the tax declaration this month and received some money back from that which will be useful to pay for the Christmas gifts, all the trips I booked, and continued issues with my car. Without that tax return I would probably not have been able to make a new investment from my next salary but now I'm certain that I can.

The big surprise was that my effect tax rate was ~23%. This is too low and it needs to be increased.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of October 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 243,837
 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Yum brands and Kyndryl (from IBM).

The value of the portfolio is today: 352,558 € and I have 1,516 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 2,498 € and unrealised of 108,721 € (31%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 61% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,257 points which means that it has decreased by -2.8% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has decreased by -1.0% in the same time period.

Conclusion: There was another dip in November which caused DAX to retreat a bit while my own portfolio went down slightly less. I will keep saving and keep investing. My German broker account arrived with new prices that I am not at all pleased with so I will have to think about what to do with that because it is truly outrageous and I just cannot take that one on the chin.

Sunday 28 November 2021

Dividends during November 2021


In a way I received dividends from two companies this month. One was standard approach of paying cash into my broker account and the second was handing me shares in a newly formed company.

I received 163.04 € for my H&M shares of which the tax man took 48.91 € which in the end meant that I got 114.13 € as cash on my broker account.

From IBM I received 5 shares in Kyndryl Holdings each with a value of 14.50 € so in total 72.50 € which was paid out as a new stock position on my broker account.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Stock bought in November 2021


A lot of people here in the UK love KFC and I would even say to the point of madness. There were people doing crazy things when there was a shortage of chicken supply and they were not able to receive their weekly KFC meal. All these issues are sorted since several months but the passion that so many had towards getting their KFC fix remains and likely will do for a long, long time.

I therefore bought 22 shares in Yum Brands at a total cost of 2,437 €.

This stock will be included in the next upcoming summary update.

Sunday 31 October 2021

Summary of October 2021


Summary of October 2021

This is a summary that combines the movements that have occurred during the month of September as well as October.

Dividends were received from several companies: BP, Nike, IBM, McDonalds, Shell and Rio Tinto.

I joined in the new share offers from both Easyjet and Lufthansa and we will have to see how that turns out.

When I started this journey I wanted to have a stock portfolio of 750k € in the year of 2033 during the course of it I readjusted my target to be 350k € and by having no debt and taking out ~4% with a early reduced stock portfolio this would then give me around 1000 € to live on each month (today working fulltime and having a rent of 600 GBP I manage to live on 1200 GBP per month) until the end of my life with no further incomes. There will be further incomes and it will be possible to live on 1000 € per month.

I keep going back and forth on what I should do next. Should I travel the world for one to two years? Should I move into my summerhouse (not ideal, owned by more family members), should I buy a house in Sweden close to my summerhouse and restore it? Should I buy a house in the south of France (I loved living there) and restore it and spend ~9 months there and ~3 months in Sweden when France is too hot? Difficult, difficult, difficult. Two of the options involves buying a house which I will have to do without a mortgage since I will not have employment. A restoration object can be bought in either country for <50k € and restoring it DIY style I just roughly estimate to another 25k €. I have now reached my 350k € target however buying a house and restoring it would require a total of 425k € which I am not yet at and more importantly I still have more to give to my current company before I am ready to walk away.

I had a lovely two week vacation in Sweden during the end of September seeing family and friends. Batteries were recharged for the autumn!

For the previous summary please visit Summary of August 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 241,819 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Lufthansa and EasyJet.

The value of the portfolio is today: 351,849 € and I have 3,895 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 2,498 € and unrealised of 110,029 € (31%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 61% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,689 points which means that it has decreased by -0.6% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has decreased by -1.1% in the same time period.

Conclusion: There was a larger dip in September but already in October that was pretty much balanced out again. DAX ended up with a better performance than my own portfolio this time around. I have now reached my target but will continue to save and invest to build up a larger buffer to give myself more room to decide what to do next. The main driver is however that I have more to give to the company that I'm working for before I push the retirement button.

Saturday 30 October 2021

Dividends during Sep/Oct 2021


During the two months there were some substantial dividend payments being made to my broker accounts. The biggest by far coming from Rio Tinto that with this payment snuck in on second place in dividend payments for the year. Only BASF have in cash paid out more to me.

McDonalds paid out 26.34 € as cash on my broker account.

Shell increased their quarter dividends and paid out 55.51 € to my broker account.

Rio Tinto added a bonus dividend payment which meant that I received 310.71 € out as cash on my account.

Nike paid out 9.45 € and after taxes I got 8.03 € on my broker account.

BP paid out 36.72 € and all of it ended up as cash on my account.

IBM paid out 34.51 € and after taxes I got 29.33 € on my account to make new investments with.

Stocks bought in Sep/Oct 2021

I do not yet know if it was an unfortunate situation or a great one however after I had decided to increase by holdings in Lufthansa and Easyjet in August both of them came out with new shares that they offered to the market in September. I joined in both of them which pushed up my holding to a level that I'm not so happy about but it also meant that I received more shares offered to me so as always, future will tell.

I therefore bought 217 more shares in Easyjet at a total cost of 1052.43 €. This brought my holding to 547 shares at a total cost of 4603 €.

I also ended up with 470 new shares in Lufthansa at a total cost of 1705.41 €. This brought my holding to 940 shares at a total cost of 6262 €.

These stocks will be included in the upcoming summary update.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Summary of August 2021


Summary of August 2021

Dividends received from Intel and TJX.

Increased my holdings in Lufthansa and EasyJet. It will take much longer than what I expected for travelling to get started again but it will go up again... at some point in time...

In September 2020 my own situation was as follows. I had no vaccination, there were no existing vaccines available for the population and there were no test kits available for the general population. Back then I could just travel to Copenhagen wearing a mask during the entire travelling unless I was eating during the flight, which I did not. Once in Copenhagen I just took the train over to Sweden. Going back the procedure was exactly the same.

Today, fully vaccinated, tests kits exists and I test myself 2x per week I now need a 72h PCR test for being allowed to travel to Copenhagen, at Copenhagen airport I'm likely to get tested again before being allowed to travel over to Sweden. To travel back to the UK I will need to get another 72h PCR test, I need to fill out a serious arrival form before coming back to the UK and within two days of my arrival in the UK I need to take another PCR test. A trip that used to cost around 150 - 200 € have now increased to 400 - 500 € and this is me being fully vaccinated. Something has gone very, very wrong and many companies are making ridiculous profits due to the fear and governmental over responses.

I had a lovely vacation in Cornwall like the rest of the UK population and it was greatly needed! I still need to go back to Sweden and my summerhouse but as you've probably realised from my text above this will take place in mid September.

I'm once again interested in buying and apartment and gave a shameful offer on one apartment that unfortunately, for me, was not accepted.

or the previous summary please visit Summary of July 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 232,988 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Lufthansa and EasyJet.

The value of the portfolio is today: 340,857 € and I have 2,594 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 2,498 € and unrealised of 107,869 € (32%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 61% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,781 points which means that it has increased by 0.1% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has increased by 0.2% in the same time period.

Conclusion: Very little progress during the month and to be fair most of my companies were down this month so the saviour for me was as so often lately, my mixed ETF, company pension fund.

Saturday 4 September 2021

Dividends during August 2021


The American giants kept up their tradition of quarterly payments and I therefore received dividends from both Intel and from TJX.

Intel paid out 39.54 € which ended up giving me 33.59 € as cash on the broker account.

TJX paid out 13.98 € which after taxman had his or her share gave me 11.88 € on the broker account.

Stocks bought in August 2021


During August I decided to increase in two of my holdings that I already had and those were:

Lufthansa, I bought 260 more shares for a total of 2306 € which gives me a total of 470 shares at a cost of 9.69 € per share.

I also decided to increase my holding in EasyJet and bought an additional 130 shares giving me a total of 330 shares at a cost of 10.76 € per share.

These additions will be included in the upcoming summary.

Sunday 8 August 2021

Summary of July 2021


Summary of July 2021

Some minor dividends dropped in so nothing really to brag about. Third year in a row with the same payment from VW as an example.

I have not yet bought any new stocks this month. The cash has been transferred over so I am sitting on it but lately I have become very interested in buying an apartment. There is currently a scandal taking place in the UK due to the unfortunate fire in an apartment building in London that costed many lives. This should never have happened but in true political spirit the politicians overreacted and created regulations that have now locked around 1.2 million people from being able to sell their apartments. It all comes down to document EWS1 and if that is not made by a fully trained person OR there are some corrections that need to be made on the property building then all the banks refuse to give a mortgage... meaning from the point of view of the banks the value of the apartments are zero. There are several downsides... must pay in cash, costs for correction of buildings and time is an unknown. It is however still legal to live there and it is still legal to rent it out... due to Covid-19 the Asian students are still staying away from studying in the UK but they are very cash strong. I see significant opportunities with this but there are of course also massive risks. I also do not like that I must then sell off stocks to make the cash buy. I will also live much, much smaller than what I do now so that is also not great but at least it will be central and I could hopefully enjoy life outside my house a bit more.

Work is going ok but I am tired and I seriously need a break / vacation.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of June 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 228,488 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF and nothing else.

The value of the portfolio is today: 333,034 € and I have 4,952 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 2,498 € and unrealised of 104,546 € (31%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 60% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,761 points which means that it has increased by 0.7% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has increased by 1.0% in the same time period.

Conclusion: DAX had another month with a positive outcome and so did I. Several shares have gone down but not enough to have a significant impact on the overall development. Started to think about buying an apartment but it might be too high risk and put my future plans in jeopardy.

Dividends during July 2021


From the infamous German car manufacturer VW I received 58.32 € in dividends after which the taxman took some and left me with 42.94 € as cash on my broker account.

ABF the conglomerate owning Primark also decided to make a payment and from them I received 14.37 € as cash on my broker account.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Summary of June 2021


Summary of June 2021

Several smaller dribbles of dividends arrived this month which is always nice!

Due to the payment of the repairs from the previous months breakdown of my car as well as an upcoming staycation here in the UK I have not managed to transfer as much funds as I would have liked to my broker account. This means that I will hold on making any investments this month and will have to make it next month instead.

The losses associated with Stock X is annoying. A sure thing is never sure. I still have a small holding but not enough to make a true difference in either direction.

Work is starting to look a bit brighter again and the projects starts to take off after a long period of treading water. Working on putting together a list for the next developments that will be made in the company and I look forward to how the board will look upon them in the next six months period.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of May 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 224,520 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF and Rio Tinto. Majority of Stock X was sold.

The value of the portfolio is today: 325,187 € and I have 2,515 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 2,498 € and unrealised of 100,667 € (31%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 59% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,650 points which means that it has increased by 0.8% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has increased by 1.3% in the same time period.

Conclusion: DAX had another month with a positive outcome while I must say that many of my shares went down. My saviour this month was clearly the pension fund that has done surprisingly well! There are some significant costs coming on the summerhouse this year which means that I need to have at least 30k € more in my coffins and if I want to be able to get my own house in Sweden I will need additional money for that... So my target can no longer be 350k € but instead I will need at least 430k €. How quickly situations change...

Saturday 3 July 2021

Dividends during June 2021


From McDonalds I received 25.58 € in cash on my broker account.

From Shell I received this time 38.55€ as cash on my UK broker account.

From Nike I received 7.85€ out as cash.

From BP I received 34.47€ directly as cash on my broker account.

My American cloth company TJX paid me 11.56€ as cash.

The final one was from Intel and I received 32.48€ as cash after the taxman had taken his deserved part.

Sold and bought stock in June 2021


The development of Stock X did not live up to the expectations and therefore I significantly reduced my holding of it. I sold 1060 shares and received 2571.61 € out as cash on my broker account. This gave me a loss of 24% or -941.26 € during the 6 months holding period. It will be brought into the realised G/L in the next monthly summary report.

I decided to increase my Rio Tinto holding and I therefore bought 33 more shares which totalled up to 2341.78 €. This change will also be included in the monthly summary report.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Stock bought in May 2021

I already have one failed mining company (K+S) however they are not active in the field of metal mining. Rio Tinto pays a nice dividend of around 5% and I should have bought them many years ago but was back then, unfortunately, held back when I discussed it with other people.

I ended up buying 32 shares in Rio Tinto at a total cost of 2338.58 € which includes a stamp duty of 11.60 € which gives me a price per share of 73.08 €.

I've been thinking for months about buying shares in one of the British pub chains but I don't like their level of debt so I keep putting it off.

Sunday 30 May 2021

Summary of May 2021


Summary of May 2021

By the look of things it is going to be yet another poor year in terms of dividends. Three companies made payments to me so that is great but overall it is not even close to being at a level that will pay by monthly bills.

Had a serious breakdown on the motorway this week. the suspension started to eat into my tyre and even though it was a smart motorway I was lucky to have an emergency stop within an acceptable distance. The car has now been fixed and it was not cheap however it should not disrupt my investment capability too much in the coming month.

Work is going ok but also not more than that. More and more people are now coming into the office and the CEO is old school with people must be there and look busy. He is all about the image and not about actual performance which can be frustrating every now and then.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of April 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 218,164
 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Austria ETF and Lufthansa.

The value of the portfolio is today: 313,034 € and I have 3,323 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 3,323 € and unrealised of 94,870 € (30.3%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 57% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,520 points which means that it has increased by 2.5% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has reduced by -1.4% in the same time period.

Conclusion: DAX had another good month! My portfolio always takes a bit of a beating when I add in a larger sum of cash which I did during May so I am not surprised about the result. However, the overall sum is starting to look very good and I will very likely go beyond the 350k € in the set timeline.

Saturday 29 May 2021

Dividends May 2021


Three companies were kind enough to pay out dividends to me during May which is always very appreciated.

E.On, one of my German energy providers, paid out 188 € from which the taxman took his part and I received 138.42 € as cash on my broker account.

Talanx, my German insurance company and majority shareholder in Hannover Re, decided to pay out 120 € of which I in the end received 88.35 € on my broker account.

BASF, the chemical company have had a very good 2020 and this will continue also in 2021 for sure, decided to pay out a very nice dividend of 462 € which is the same as last year and from this was taken 121.85 € in taxes and I received out 340.15 € in cash.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Stocks bought in April 2021


Due to the liquidation of the ETF Portugal I had plenty of cash on my broker account that I needed to bring into the stock market again. As I previously mentioned I did not find another ETF following the PSI20 so instead I decided to go back to an ETF that I have previously owned which was ETF Austria.

I therefore bought 160 parts of ETF Austria at a total cost of 9012.88 € (which includes a fee of 22.48 €) or 56.33 € per share.

I additionally bought 210 Lufthansa shares at a total cost of 2250.55 € (which includes a fee of 3.37 €) or 10.72 € per share.

Sunday 2 May 2021

Summary of April 2021


Summary of April 2021

Some dividends arrived of which two very nice ones so that was good. Once again I did not manage to join when DBAG raised their shares in the company so that was annoying and my ETF Portugal went into liquidation and I received the money out as cash. During the 4 years that I had held it I had received around 2.5% in value increase and 5% in dividends so less than 2% per year. Not very good but still better than a bank account. Due to this unexpected sale I now have a, for me, large cash pot that I need to shuffle out on the stock market. I already know what to buy.

My company pension broker decided to push up the costs for an ETF to a level that was just ridiculous so I swiftly changed that to a lower cost one. Happily there were no costs involved in changing from one fund to the next.

Work is going ok. Issues with the cooperation partners that are sitting in countries that have now, once again, been very hard hit by Covid-19. It of course leads to delays that no one wants to have but based on the revenues that we see from many companies then it seems as these periods of lockdown etc. are being caught up very quickly once the countries open up again. The demand is simply there it is just on hold by the look of it.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of February 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now at: 205,702 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF and EasyJet.

The value of the portfolio is today: 297,966 € and I have 11,646 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 3,323 € and unrealised of 92,264 € (31.0%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 56% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,136 points which means that it has increased by 0.2% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has only increased by 3.1% in the same time period.

Conclusion: DAX did not improve significantly during the month while my own portfolio did a little bit better. Generally it feels as if the stock markets have gone up too much, too fast but since I do not believe in timing I will also not step out of the stock market.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Dividends and odd matters April 2021


Shell decided to pay out dividends to me and I received 37.10 € as cosh on my broker account.

Skanska made a very nice dividend payment in the size of 231.49 € of which 69.45 € was retained in taxes and I received 162.04 € as cash on my account.

RWE also paid out a nice dividend in the size of 280.50 € of which 73.98 € was kept by the German tax office and I received 206.52 € as cash on my broker account.

Now move on to the more annoying matters... My broker account in Germany always send everything out as paper and needs a signature for everything such as when a company increases their shares. This means that I never manage to respond to any of that because the papers often arrives AFTER it has already taken place.

DBAG raised new shares and since I could not join in they were sold for ma and I received 153.41 € as cash on my broker account.

Apparently the ETF Portugal that I have owned since 2017 was suddenly liquidated and I received 8260.04 € as in cash on my broker account. I've been looking for a different PSI20 ETF but I've not managed to find one so I will have to push it into a different ETF.

Friday 9 April 2021

Stock bought in March 2021

 Due to that I had maxed out my stock ISA I was forced to wait until the new tax year here in the UK started before I could transfer money over to the broker account. This has now happened and the money was transferred.

In the end I decided to go for a company that I like to use very much and in an industry that have been trashed during the last year so it is truly contrarian. Ideally it should have been bought a year ago but back then I made other investments. There are old rules saying that one should never buy into the airline industry because they always need to make heavy investments to stay on top of safety and security but I do not agree with those old rules of thumb.

I therefore decided to buy 200 shares in EasyJet at a total cost of 2332.80 € or 11.664 €/share.

Sunday 4 April 2021

Summary of March 2021


Summary of March 2021

Several companies paid out dividends this month so that was very nice of them. I always love those dripples of cash coming into the account.

I'm afraid that I have not yet made the transfer of cash to my broker account and neither have I bought any news stock for the March salary due to that I've maxed out my ISA contribution for the tax year ending in April. So I just need to wait a couple of days and then I will directly transfer and get busy buying something.

My pension provider has decided to make an indecent charge increase of one of my mixed funds so I have now changed it for a more reasonable one.

The GBP keeps rising and I hope that it will continue to do so. When I took the job in the UK GBP:EUR was around 1.34 and within a couple of months it dropped down to around 1.12 which I never really felt to be fair but it will make a massive difference the day I leave UK.

Work wise everything is (British) fine. Significant problems with suppliers and availability of raw materials. Pretty much have to wheel and deal to get anything done which by the look of things might not improve for the rest of this year.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of February 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now up at: 208,258
 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Stock X and McDonalds and cash has not yet been brought to the broker account.

The value of the portfolio is today: 295,219 € and I have ~550 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 3,103 € and unrealised of 86,961 € (29.5%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 56% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 15,107 points which means that it has increased by 9.6% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has only increased by 6.1% in the same time period.

Conclusion: Wooow! What a month for DAX! Almost 10% increase in a month meaning that many companies are now likely to be overvalued on DAX. I'm happy with my 6% and hat off to DAX.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Dividends during March 2021: McDonalds, Intel, DBAG, IBM, BP, Nike and TJX


My very recent investment McDonalds kindly paid out some dividends for me in the size of 13.89 € for my 28 shares.

Intel paid out a sum of 38.78 € for the 135 shares that I currently hold and 5.82 € went to the tax office.

My German investment company, DBAG, made a smaller dividend payment that usual which is a little bit annoying since they have arrived with reverse warnings that their profit will be larger than expected for 2021 after they downgraded it when Covid-19 hit. Either way for my 155 shares I received 124 € in dividends of which 32.70 € went to taxes.

The company I still have faith in even though many others have left it IBM decided to pay out 34.13 € in dividends of which the taxman took 5.12 €

With the reduced payments from BP I received this time only 35.10 €.

From Nike I received a dividend in the tiny size of 9.33 € and 1.40 € went to taxes.

My bargain design outlet TJX paid me 13.77 € in dividends and from this 2.07 € was withheld for taxes.

To see my total dividend flow then please visit the Stock Dividends page that has now been updated. 

Friday 5 March 2021

Stock bought in February 2021


The salary from February was directly pushed into the stock market. The Queens sterling keeps increasing in value which is appreciated but at the moment fairly irrelevant to me since I need it to be high when I leave the UK and have to shuffle the money. Already dreading the fees that might come with that. I've now also filled up my ISA limit and will probably hang on to the March salary until the new tax year starts which will be ~5th April 2021before I can bring in 20k again to the stock ISA.

At this time 1 year ago I was in Australia to visit my brother and his family and Covid-19 was spreading across the world. Happily I was not a contributor to that.

I decided to increase my holding in McDonalds and I therefore bought 13 more shares at a total cost of 2225 €. I now hold 28 shares in McDonalds at a cost of 4807 € or 171.67 € per share.

I also increased my holding in Stock X. I bought 300 more shares at a total cost of 1231 € which means that I now hold 1424 shares at a total cost of 4451 € or 3.13 € per share.

Enjoy the weekend!

Saturday 27 February 2021

Summary of February 2021


Summary of February 2021

No dividends were paid out to me during the month of February 2021 so unfortunately I have nothing of interest to report on that. BASF had a good year 2020 and I was informed that they are planning to pay out 3.30 € per share + bonus to their employees. I do have friends working for BASF so good on them!

I was expecting increased prices in the supermarkets and potentially some lacking products after Brexit but to be honest I have not noticed that much of it. If my weekly shopping bill ends up at £30 or £33 I'm afraid I couldn't care less and therefore I also do not notice it. In January I did however notice that the lifetime of the fruit and vegetables that I bought was much shorter in my fridge than previously. This does no longer seem to be the case and things are back to normal.

The value of the £ has started to increase and gone from ~1.11 to 1.15 to € and since over half my stock portfolio is these days in £ I have had a more than normal boost from this. The currency wind can however change quickly in either direction so it is a risk that I have in my portfolio.

The vaccinations here in the UK are progressing swiftly. We now have several employees that have received the first shot and they are really pushing it. So well done NHS and UK government on that! Due to my age and no serious (known) health issues I am further down the line and can probably not expect to receive something until earliest in May.

Start to be a bit of a complication in the company. The home office people have kind of gotten into a state of business as usual, because that is how it is for them. They wake up, go to their home office desk and start working with teleconferences etc. It is not business as usual! Lockdown is currently in place and there are significant delays in deliveries, getting supplies etc. and Brexit have not helped us either when it comes to this to be fair.

For the previous summary please visit Summary of January 2021 and here you can see my stock portfolio as it is.

The total invested value is now up at: 200,630
 . Monthly investments were made in the Mixed ETF, Stock Y, Berkshire Hathaway and McDonalds and I'm sitting on cash for buying more. The bonus and increased value of the £ have pushed up the value significantly compared to last month.

The value of the portfolio is today: 272,219 € and I have 3,778 € in cash on my broker accounts. I have realised gains of 3,103 € and unrealised of 71,589 € (26.3%) which is not good enough but it is improving. My ETFs are now up at a value of 56% of my portfolio.

DAX is now up at 13,786 points which means that it has increased by 2.6% since the previous summary and my own portfolio has increased by 1.0% in the same time period.

Conclusion: DAX this very well this month after its dip in January. I was helped by currency movements but not enough for beating DAX. Now I need to focus on what to by next for the cash that has been added to the broker account.