Monday 2 March 2015

German inside trading: February 2015

Inside trading, Germany, February, 2015

The bull run continued during February to the great joy of everyone that decided to keep their stocks (around +5%). According to statistics I read many German small investors had already 2014 moved their money out of the stock market. I wonder when they will panic and jump back in again. Most likely at the wrong moment with losses to follow. Never jump in out of panic, jump in when others panic.

For the previous report please click on German inside trading: January 2015.

The dealing were:

SMA Solar Technology - bought shares
Lotto24 - bought shares
SAF Holland - sold shares
Siemens - bought shares, analysis of Siemens 2014.
Alstria - sold shares, analysis of Alstria.

Hawesko - bought and sold shares
KUKA - sold shares, analysis of KUKA.
_wige Media - bought shares.
Syzygy - sold shares
RWE - bought shares, analysis of RWE 2014.
Hella - bought shares
Capital Stage AG - bought shares
Highlight Communications - bought shares
Cancom - sold shares
Borussia Dortmund - bought shares
Kion Group - sold shares
SinnSchrader - bought shares
CropEnergies - bought shares
Stabilus - bought shares
PNE Wind - bought shares, analysis of PNE Wind 2014.
Westgrund - bought shares.
Accentro Real Estate - bought shares.

Conclusion: Generally there was very little activity this month and most of it were happening in these companies: Hawesko, LEG Immobilien, KUKA, RWE and CapitalStage, It was also interesting to see that after the strong +10% bull run in January we see more sales happening. I must always remind myself that managers often are more short term thinking than what I am.

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