Tuesday 15 March 2016

Adidas annual report 2015

Adidas, annual, report, front page, 2015

My blue suede shoes company Adidas arrived with their report not that long ago. I did not really register the market response which means that it was probably not of interest. Generally the share price have been dancing around 100 € as if that would be some kind of border. Technical people would probably inform me that it is and why it is so... but in the long run no one cares.

For the report in full please go here and to see my previous summary please visit Adidas report Q3 2015 and to find out more regarding Adidas then please go to analysis of Adidas 2015 (a new one will come shortly).

In the financial statement below we can see that 2015 was a good year for Adidas. The revenue was increased by 16% to 16.9 billion € and the earnings got pushed up by 29% and ended around 630 million €.  Considering that one of their important markets is Russia and considering their massive investment into the golf segment that have had a, in my eyes, poor performance then this overall result for 2015 appears to be very good.

Adidas, 2015, financial statement

Conclusion: Adidas have recovered very quickly from the issues that they had one year ago. They have additionally brought in a new famous CEO that everyone seems to be highly excited about. I am less excited about him. I will remain as a shareholder.

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