It was time to send off the little cash I had left into a contrarian stock which then also became the final investment of 2013 and I once again increased my position in K+S the link goes to the analysis that were previously made. The addition investment will appear in the list with the next monthly update.
I got a longer email from my brother the other day and he was then questioning my investment in K+S as well as were wondering about my other investments. Why I made them, and how I think about them today and especially if i would have invested in them today. Good questions so I decided that I will write an article were I look over my investments why I made them and if that was correct or not. I will do this before the end of the year.
I will, as always, go back home over Christmas to see my family and friends and we will have to see if I will manage to keep the blog running with a new article every day. During the summer vacation I did manage to do that based mainly on a very kind neighbour that are kind enough to keep his internet open so even in my families summerhouse I managed to keep writing. So we shall see and if you see few or no updates during my two weeks Christmas vacation then no worries I will definitely be back!
There are still plenty of companies on the MDax that must be covered before we start to move more south in Europe (as well as east) and we should not forget to dig into the other smaller lists in Germany also. Like I mentioned before that I must do what I do now to build up a feeling for the companies in Germany, what they produce and what they do. I must do this because I am a foreigner here and does not from the mothers milk or beer or whatever you want to call it know what the companies do as any normal German person knows from just growing up here. This of course have created a lot of boring articles from companies that are not at all interesting to invest in but hopefully also you have learnt something about these companies by reading the short article that I write.
Hi Frederik,
I am a frequent Dutch reader of your blog and always enjoy it. Well written, based on common sense -are most valuable instrument when it comes to investing. Thanks for all your atricles so far!
Hi Jan,
I am glad to hear that you like it and that I am not the only one learning something concerning the German companies that I currently go through. I have still not looked at so many Dutch companies besides from Shell and then I got a request yesterday to analyse a Dutch bicycle company but also other companies in the Netherlands will for sure be looked at in the future.
Back in the days I lived in the Netherlands and worked for one of your giant chemical companies. Those were good days!
Apparently BlackRock has increased their ownings in K&S based on the yesterdays announcement. And the price is climbing, it's nice to own this stock! I bought it based on your analysis earlier this fall, cheers.
Hi there,
Ah, this is indeed new news for me that BlackRock entered in K+S. Thanks for the update! Then both of us can hopefully enjoy a nice ride upwards!
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