Company: Rheinmetall
ISIN DE0007030009 | WKN 703000
Business: A German supplier for the automotive and defence. Automotive called KSPG is divided into three segments: Hardparts (pistons and pistons systems), Mechatronics (pumps and valves) and finally Aftermarket (parts for the spare part market). The Defence is also divided into three parts: Weapon and Munition (Large and medium calibre weapons and ammunition), Electronics Solutions (air defence systems, sensors and various simulation systems) and finally Vehicles Systems (logistical and tactical vehicles).
Active: They are present in over 80 countries world wide.
P/E: 19.4
Here you can find the previous analysis of Rheinmetall 2014 with the request for a new analysis from Walhroos.
The P/E of Rheinmetall is high with 19.4 and the P/B is ok with 2.0 still according to Graham we receive a no go. The earnings to sales are low with only 3% as is the ROE with only 10%. The book to debt ratio is also very low with its 0.4 which I do not like.
In the last five years they have had an acceptable yearly revenue growth rate of 2.8% and this then gives us a motivated P/E of 9 to 14 which means that Rheinmetall is today overvalued by the market.
They pay a tiny dividend in the size of 1.6% which happily only correspond to 32% of their earnings so hopefully they should be able to keep it as it is. Rheinmetall does however change the dividend based on their earnings.
In the last five years they have had an acceptable yearly revenue growth rate of 2.8% and this then gives us a motivated P/E of 9 to 14 which means that Rheinmetall is today overvalued by the market.
They pay a tiny dividend in the size of 1.6% which happily only correspond to 32% of their earnings so hopefully they should be able to keep it as it is. Rheinmetall does however change the dividend based on their earnings.
Conclusion: Graham says no to Rheinmetall and so do I today. For me the P/E is too high and the ROE, book to debt and dividend are all too low for being of interest. The turn around has already happened in Rheinmetall and I am sure that the share price can go higher, as it always can, but it will not be with me as a shareholder.
If this analysis is outdated then you can request a new one.
Rheinmetall. Sjukt coolt namn i alla fall!
Hej Sandmann,
Jag har nog varit för länge i Tyskland för att ens se sâdana saker. För mig är det helt enkelt tvâ sammansatta ord. Floden Rhein och metall... sâ trâkig har jag gâtt och blivit.
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