TJX arrived with their annual report a couple of days ago. The market found it to be good and it is ok. More important to me though is that my wife love the products that are being sold in the store and are even distributing them to friends and family that hopefully will also start running to the TJX stores to do their shopping. My bet is on that they will do just that!
To read the report in full please go here, for my previous summary please visit TJX report Q3 2015 and to find out more about TJX then please click on analysis of TJX (a new one will arrive shortly though).
As can be seen in the financial statement below TJX managed to increase the sales by a bit over 6% and this was in a period of a fairly strong dollar so fully acceptable. The cost of sales did however increase by almost an equal number. The advantage is that TJX are often buying products locally which means that they can buy the products in the same currency as they are selling the products.
In the end the income was pretty much flat (+2.7%) compared to 2015 but due to share buyback program we, the shareholders, still ended up with a, per share increase, of +5.7%.
Conclusion: TJX is doing pretty good and they keep expanding their businesses +6.4% stores during the year so similar to H&M (and probably every other retail chain for that matter) they are increasing the revenue with more or less the same figure as they are opening new stores. Their concept is good, makes sense and leads to sales. I will continue to be a shareholder in TJX.
Jag håller med dig. Är ännu en av väldigt få ägare av den här kedjan i Sverige. Handlar dessutom ofta nog i deras butiker här i Tyskland! Bra koncept med välbesökta butiker där utbudet håller bra mycket högre klass än konkurerande outlets. Att butikerna alltid ligger på a+-lägen gör inte saker sämre!
Har även skrivit lite om TJX på min sida och länkat till ett gammal inlägg från din sida (hoppas d var ok).
Hade bra!
Hej Gustav,
Tack för att du länkade!
Ja, den enda butik som slår dom gällande kunder är Primark baserat på vad jag har sett?
Om någon upptäcker en ny butikskedja som drar massor med kunder då tar jag gärna emot den informationen!
-Fredrik von Oberhausen
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