Saturday 29 March 2014

Personalized Index Fund B: March 2014

PIF B, March, 2014, versus, DAX

The previous publication about PIF B can be found here and there I go over exactly which companies are included into the fund and how I decided to produce the "fund" which in a way comes more down to mechanical buying of the cheapest DAX companies and make a correction once per year.

What we see is that the development in the last quarter has been excellent for PIF B! We have gone from 13% to 20% which means an increase of 7% and if we compare this to DAX we have for the period severely beaten it since they have only increased 2% going from 21% to 23% plus since the start of the experiment.

DAX is still overall beating me but I am definitely getting closer with the 10 companies that I picked to be included in PIF B.


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