Saturday 3 May 2014

Summary of April 2014

Summary, April, 2014, Me vs DAX

April did not turn out too well for me and my contrarian stocks even though I managed to buy a new stock and managed to push up my invested value however as you will see below the current value of my stock portfolio did not follow the invested value.

Last month I had managed to push some cash into the stock account but besides from the investment that I did manage to make I was forced to bring back the money again to be able to have a buffer for the move that I will be making shortly. Here in Germany that can end up costing a bit of money since you as a rental guest have to pay for the renovation of the apartment.

Theoretically one should have painted (wall + ceiling) the kitchen and bathroom every third year. Other areas every fourth or fifth year and the bedrooms every seventh year also every seventh year one have to paint the heaters and any pipes in the apartment. I have now lived for six and half year in my apartment so it will be interesting so see what they want me to do before I move out. I prepare for the worst including paying people for helping me move and for that reason I had to bring back the cash on the account. Bad thing with this is that there will be no new investment during the month of Mai.

Invested, composition, April, 2014
A very tiny little addition was made since I invested in Cez (the analysis of Cez). I have now invested 36,534 € and I am still ahead of my investment strategy of around 1,000 € per month but I start to loose the ground that I gained in the beginning.

current, portfolio, April, 2014, value
The value of the portfolio has decreased during the month of April especially since I invested more money. the current value is 33,938 € which means that I am down by almost 2,600 € (-7%). And when looking month to month then I went down -2.6%.

Comparison, Me vs DAX, Who beats who?
DAX also had a bad month in April and decreased by -0.5% to 9,556 points. This means that from the very start DAX is up with 37.8% and yet another month was lost to DAX.

For the full portfolio report please go to the Stock Portfolio page and if you have suggestions for stocks that I should analyse then please go to the Analysis Requests page. If you do write a comment then it will not appear directly because I always screen it first and as soon as I have done that it will be published.



Chris Bailey said...

Keep going - chalk up April to experience from a pure performance perspective. Since I have been reading your daily thoughts, in my view, April was your strongest month from an analytical perspective. An ever-broadening range of stocks studied which shows a building knowledge. Good for you. Stocks to look at? Oriflame worth a look in Sweden. ABB too in Switzerland-Sweden. And then in France the spirits companies Pernod Ricard and Remy Cointreau.

Good luck in May.


Fredrik von Oberhausen said...

Thanks Chris! I will see when I can take a look at the companies you mention maybe after I have pushed the DAX companies.