Monday 25 May 2015

Dividend from DB: May 2015

DB, a German bank

Well, well, well, Deutsche Bank paid the same dividend for the at least fifth year in a row. The shareholders meeting, which I missed out on, were yesterday and I followed it on twitter. It was indeed plenty of angry and upset people present there. Not due to the dividend payment but due to all the legal problem DB have had and that they still have not managed to clean the house... the problem is a snake and not a scorpion. Meaning you need to bite off the head and not the tail to start the purification.

Due to that I now own 241 shares in Deutsche Bank I received per share 0.75 € this gave me in total 180.75 €. From this I had to pay 47.67 € in taxes and left as cash on my broker account was 133.08 €. This gives ma a YoC of 2.6% after over three years as a shareholder and that, is to be frank, bad!

To find out more about DB please go to DB analysis 2015.

To see my yearly dividend earnings then please visit the Stock Dividends page that has now been updated.

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