Wednesday 10 September 2014

Contrarian stock bought September 2014: Commerzbank

Commerzbank, a German bank

In the end it became Commerzbank after that the Russian company that I wanted to buy have increased from 5.8 € to 10.9 € during less than one weeks time. Crazy, but that is life!

So I decided to buy the boring, second biggest, German bank instead that still have not managed to turn the ship around... I bought a total of 85 shares at a price of 12.61 € per share including the trading fees. I currently hold 314 shares in Commerzbank with the average price, including fees, of 13.70 €.

If you want to find out more about Commerzbank then please see analysis of Commerzbank 2014 which is not something nice to look at but at least it shows some promises of being contrarian.

With the next update of the monthly report the new change will be brought in to the Stock Portfolio.

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